Stone Masonry Chisels & Accessorise
Stone Tools for Stone Masonry work, Lettering & Carving. Our Stone Tools are made in the UK to the highest quality, ideal for Stonemasons, Contractors and hobbyists. These Chisels come with a Tungsten Carbide tip or as a Firesharp Chisel. PLEASE NOTE: IF YOU CANNOT FIND A PARTICULAR STONE TOOL YOU REQUIRE, PLEASE CALL US ON 01282 431155
Granite Chisels
These Granite Masonry Chisels are ideal for Cutting, Pitching & Lettering Granite -
Lettering Chisels
Lettering Chisels for Stone, Marble & Granite, these Chisels have a Tungsten Carbide insert for hard wearing. -
Scutching Tools
The Stone Scutch Tools are for use with our own Scutch Combs. Chisels, Hammers and Bits are all available.
Squares and Rules
Squares and Rules aid in Stone Masonry, Lettering, Sculpting and Carving.
Stone Lettering &...
We supply a wide variety of stone lettering and carving kits for different types of stone masonry. -
Stone Masonry Accessories
We supply a wide range of Stone Masonry Accessories ideal from beginner to expert Stonemasons. We are one of the biggers UK suppliers of traditional Masonry Tools -
Stonemasons Hammers &...
Stonemasons hammers and mallets are required for all types of from from detailed lettering to traditional stone masonry work. We supply a wide range of stonemasonry hammers and mallets to suit any job required. -
Tungsten Carbide Chisels
These Tungsten Carbide tipped Masonry Chisels are ideal for time served & starter Stone Masons.